About Us
For nearly 20 years, the Institute of Innovative Medicine has been involved in aligning hospitals with European Union standards by creating and implementing innovative investment projects. We specialize in Hospital Investment & Development, Healthcare Management & Training. We promote the development of personalized medicine, coordinated healthcare, and digital medicine. This is made possible through our commitment to modern technologies, advanced treatment methods, and continuous education of medical staff. We believe that collaboration and innovation will help us support patients in their fight against diseases.
The Institute of Innovative Medicine is a spin-off company established with the aim of commercializing research and implementing new medical technologies. The company manages its own Technology Park for MedTech, which includes a Research & Education Center. By conducting programs to promote organizational, product, and technological innovations, the Institute of Innovative Medicine is achieving better results and market positions in multiple areas. The Institute provides advisory and training services, supplies specialized medical equipment, and offers healthcare facility management. It has several medical teams and collaborates with over 100 specialists both domestically and internationally. The Institute supports young companies, innovative products, and proven technologies by introducing them to domestic and international markets on behalf of clients and through sales programs.
The founder of the Institute is Dr. hab. med. Mieczysław Pasowicz, a long-time director of the John Paul II Hospital in Kraków and Vice President of the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM). He also serves as the President of the Polish Association of Hospital Directors and is a member of the National Executive Board of the Polish Red Cross (PCK). Prof Pasowicz is an academic lecturer with a significant medical, scientific, and organizational background.


dr. hab. med. Mieczysław Pasowicz
Instytut Medycyny Innowacyjnej

prof. Jarosław Fedorowski
Polska Federacja Szpitali

dr n. med. Zbigniew Król
Ministerstwo Zdrowia

prof. Andrzej Matyja
Naczelna Izba Lekarska

Zofia Małas
Polska Federacja Szpitali

Anna Czech
Związek Pracodawców Ochrony Zdrowia

Piotr Pisula
Organizacja Rezydentów Ogólnopolskiego Związku Lekarzy

Bożena Janicka
Związek Pracodawców Ochrony

Piotr Pobrotyn
Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny

dr n. med. Adam Kozierkiewicz

Bartłomiej Wnuk

Marta Czaplicka
Urtica Sp. z o. o.

Maciej Bogucki
Europejskie Centrum Strategii i Polityki w Ochronie Zdrowia

Willy Heuschen
European Association of Hospital Managers

Jacek Krajewski
Porozumienie Zielonogórskie

dr inż. Marian Bubak

dr inż. Wojciech Kamieniecki
Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju

Kazimierz Murzyn
Klaster LifeScience Krakow

Małgorzata Kiebzak
Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia

Gerry O’dwyer
European Association of Hospital Managers

prof. Bogdan Wojtyniak
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego

Piotr Ciompa
Wojewódzki Szpital

dr Iwona Mazur

prof.dr hab. Jerzy Sadowski

prof. Piotr Wysocki
Katedra Onkologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

prof. dr hab. Piotr Szopiński
chirurg naczyniowy

Roman Topór – Mądry

prof. Maciej Banach
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi

prof. Tomasz Grodzicki,
Collegium Medicum UJ
Application form
We are waiting for your questions! Would you like to learn more about how we introduce innovations in medicine, support the development of personalized and coordinated healthcare? Do you want to understand how our actions contribute to raising the standards of the European Union in hospitals? Contact us through our contact form. We are here to answer all your questions and help you better understand our mission. Don't wait, join us on an innovative journey towards better health!